Our associates are not just selected on the basis of their physical attractiveness and intelligence. They are professionally committed to promotions, exhibitions, conferences and meetings work.
To work for Bond Associates they must have at least 3 years relevant experience in at least one of the job categories listed under our event people and a demonstrable track record of success. They must also be highly personable and confident, coupled to high energy levels and good communication skills. All staff are team players. We believe that they represent the best in the industry. All associates have been interviewed by Director's of the company on a face to face basis, to ensure personal contact with, and understanding of each person, their experiences, behaviours and their skills.
We hold a chronological record of each staff's work experiences and skills with up to date photos. Whenever possible the accuracy of these records are checked. These details are then made available to clients to assist them in the selection process vis-à-vis their brief.